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Lesson series

VFX Compositing

• A structured way to learn Nuke & VFX Compositing.
• Master the manipulation of images & video.
• Learn cameras, lenses, lighting, CG, & photorealism.
• Download cinema camera practice footage.
• Complete assignments in each section.
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3 courses


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3 courses


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  •       cinema camera practice footage
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5 spots available


  •       Everything in premium

  •       1-on-1 discord assistance
  •       shot & portfolio critiques
Hey, I'm Daniel Kaczkowski (kaz-COW-ski).
I've been a Visual Effects Artist for over 10 years, and for the past half decade I've been a Senior/Lead Compositor and Nuke Trainer in the VFX industry. 

Throughout my career, I've completed 2,000+ VFX shots across 150+ projects.
Supervising/Leading over 30.
From music videos, short films, documentaries, and commercials, to high-end feature films. From the biggest names in music to the biggest IMAX blockbusters in theaters.
You can see a list of some of the projects I've worked on below.

My goal with this site is to teach you every aspect of VFX Compositing from the ground up. From keying, colorspace, & tracking to vectors, CG comp, and spatial frequencies - not just how to make stuff look pretty - though I cover that too. Understanding these fundamentals is crucial whether you want to to make cool VFX on your own or get a job in the industry.

All of the knowledge that I teach you can be applied in any VFX software.
While I started in After Effects and Maya, I will be using Nuke & Houdini throughout the courses as they are the industry standard for high-end VFX work (and my favorite).
View my IMDb to see a list of over 100 projects that I've worked on.
Note, that 50+ projects I've contributed to such as documentaries, short films, and commercials are not listed here.